All About Mangos + Mango Strawberry Smoothie Recipe (2024)

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I participated in an online briefing on behalf of the National Mango Board & The Motherhood. I was compensated for my time. All opinions are my own.

Did you know that mangos are the most popular fruit in the world? I can honestly say that I did not know that until just recently. I have always liked mangos, but have never bought them before.

They’ve always intimidated me. I never knew how to cut them, and besides eating them raw, I had no idea how to cook with them.

That all changed last week after I had the opportunity to attend an online briefing with the National Mango Board and The Motherhood to learn everything about mangos. I am excited to share all the great things I learned with you!

  • A one-cup serving of mangos is just 100 calories and provides 100% of your daily Vitamin C
  • Mangos are a super fruit with more than 20 different vitamins and minerals
  • Mangos are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, both important antioxidant nutrients
  • Mangos are fat-free, cholesterol-free and a good source of dietary fiber

There are six varieties of mangos that are available year round. Depending on the season, you will find different varieties in the grocery store.

  • To find a ripe mango, squeeze the fruit gently.
  • A ripe mango will be slightly soft like a peach or avocado.
  • Color isn’t always the best indicator of ripeness. For example, I received a shipment of Keitt mangos and they stayed green even when they were fully ripe.
  • Keep unripe mangos at room temperature.
  • Mangos shouldn’t be refrigerated before they are ripe.
  • To speed up ripening, place mangos in a paper bag at room temperature.
  • Once ripe, mangos should be moved to the refrigerator, which will slow down the ripening process. Whole, ripe mangos may be stored for up to five days in the refrigerator.
  • Mangos may be peeled, cubed, and placed in an airtight container in the freezer for up to six months.

Now, maybe you’ve bought mangos before, but you’ve never really known how to cut one correctly. I have to say that it is actually very easy!

During the online briefing, I learned how to cut a mango by following along using the Keitt mangos I received. The key is to avoid the long seed that runs the length of the mango by cutting the sides off first. You can see how below.

Before you cut:

  • Always wash the mango before cutting and use a clean knife and cutting board.
  • Find the mango’s eye – a marker for the mango’s seed:
    • Stand the mango on your cutting board stem end down and hold.
    • The eye should be looking back at you.
  1. Place your knife about ¼-inch from the widest center line and cut down through the mango.Flip the mango around and repeat this cut on the other side.The resulting ovals of mango flesh are known as the “cheeks.” What’s left in the middle is mostly the mango seed.
  2. Cut parallel slices into the mango flesh, being careful not to cut through the skin.
  3. Scoop the mango slices out of the mango skin using a spoon.
All About Mangos + Mango Strawberry Smoothie Recipe (4)

All About Mangos + Mango Strawberry Smoothie Recipe (5)OXO Good Grips Mango Slicer, Splitter, and Corer

A faster, easier way to cut your mango is to use this handy, dandy Mango Slicer. I finally broke down and bought one on Amazon and I’m so glad I did. It’s so much faster and easier! The best part is it’s cheap and it ships free. You’re gonna want one, trust me!

How to Cook with Mangos

A mango doesn’t lose its color or texture after its been cut. You can slice one up and put it on oatmeal, ice cream, and even quesadillas.

The flavor is sweet with a little tang, so try it in dishes where you might use a tomato such as salsa, sandwiches, or salad. You can find lots of great mango recipes here.

I absolutely love smoothies — I have one every morning for breakfast — so I was excited to take one of my favorite smoothie recipes and add mango to it.

It turned out delicious! My kids and hubby loved it! It’s definitely a recipe I will make over and over again.

All About Mangos + Mango Strawberry Smoothie Recipe (7)

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

This Mango Strawberry Smoothie is delicious and packed full of protein. Perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack!


  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1 cup mango, diced
  • 1 cup ice


  1. Combine all ingredients in blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Serve immediately. Enjoy!


Want a creamier smoothie? Sub the orange juice for lowfat milk or almond milk.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 1Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 305Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 6mgSodium: 49mgCarbohydrates: 62gFiber: 8gSugar: 49gProtein: 16g

Nutrition information isn’t always accurate.

For mango tips, recipe ideas, and more please visit:

All About Mangos + Mango Strawberry Smoothie Recipe (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.