Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (2024)

This is my favorite Flammkuchen Recipe (French or German pizza with onions and bacon). It’s easy, delicious, and quick to make! I also have a gluten free recipe option for Flammkuchen included.

When I visited the beautiful city of Colmar, in the Alsace region of France, I was tortured by the pizza I saw on the tables in every cafe I walked by. It looked like a very thin flatbread with a white sauce. I was tortured because I am allergic to gluten and couldn’t order what I learned was flammekueche or tarte flambée.

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Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (1)
Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (2)

Recreating recipes from around the globe at home

During the same trip, I visited friends who live in Luxembourg but are originally from Germany. They are very good in the kitchen and were excited to serve a few gluten-free versions of their favorite meals for me.

One night for dinner, I watched as they mixed gluten-free flour and water to make a dough and had no idea that they were making the same pizza I saw in Colmar.

In French, it’s known as tarte flambée, in the Alsatian region it’s called flammekueche, in German flammkuchen. Whatever you call it, it’s delicious and decadent.


Recipe for Flammkuchen (with Gluten-Free recipe option)

My friend’s homemade gluten-free version was absolutely delicious and I’ve been looking forward to recreating this recipe. The biggest stumbling block is that the traditional Alsatian recipe calls for lardons and crème fraiche; two items I’m having a hard time getting my hands on at the moment.

What is Flammkuchen?

Flammkuchen is a specialty of Alsace and regions on the southwestern German-French border. In my opinion, it is a more delicious version of pizza. It consists of dough rolled out very thinly and covered with crème fraîche (or sour cream), thinly sliced onions and lardons (or bacon or pancetta), and baked.

In French, it’s known as tarte flambée, in the Alsatian region, it’s called flammekueche, in German flammkuchen. Some call it Alsatian Pizza but I’ve been told that you don’t want to make the mistake of calling it pizza in Alsace!

Country of origin: Alsatian region of southwestern German-French border.

Alsace is a historical region in northeastern France on the Rhine River plain. Bordering Germany and Switzerland, it has alternated between German and French control over the centuries.

What does Flammkuchen mean in English?

Flammkuchen (pronounced flam-KOOK-en) means “flame cake” or “flame pastry”; French: tarte flambée).

History of Flammkuchen

Some say that Flammkuchen was originally used by bakers to test the temperature of their ovens. Others say Flammkuchen was initially prepared by German farmers’ wives and oven-baked just after the bread in a traditional bread oven. They would use the remaining dough and cook it with the intense heat in the hot oven.

It is traditionally served as a first course or an appetizer with a glass of chilled Alsatian white wine, the flammeküeche is made with thinly rolled-out bread dough, but you can easily substitute a store-bought roll of gluten-free pizza dough.

The dish is now cooked throughout both Germany and France as well as in some towns in Switzerland.

How to Make Flammkuchen

Traditional and Gluten Free Flammkuchen is quick and easy to make. Even the crust is easy to make, but if you prefer not to make your own crust, look for one that is very thin. It’s really only a few steps; make dough & let it rest, add topping, and bake. It is super simple and the results are super delicious.

Flammkuchen Toppings & Grocery List

Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (3)

My gluten-free version of this Alsatian pizza is based off the dish my German friends made me and includes gluten-free flour (I use Mama’s Pizza Crust Mix), Olive oil or Avocado oil (I like the taste of Primal Kitchen avo oil), kosher salt, bacon (or pancetta or lardons) onion, salt, sour cream or creme fraiche, and black pepper.

Most European traditional flammkuchen versions of the recipe call for Lardon, which Bon Appetit says is just a fancy word for slab bacon sliced into matchsticks.

Note: if you aren’t gluten allergic/sensitive you can use any flour substitute.

Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (4)

The dough is rolled out very thinly with a rolling pin and covered with sour cream or crème fraîche, thinly sliced onions, and bacon and baked.

Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (5)

The key here is to be sparing with the toppings and to slice them thinly so that they will cook quickly before the tart burns.

Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (6)

I love that it’s paper-thin and crunchy, I love the savory taste, everything. It tastes not like any pizza you have ever tasted. It’s super simple but somehow it delivers!

Below is a photo of Flammkuchen before and after baking. It’s important to get the edges crispy (because they are delicious).

Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (7)

Not exactly low-fat or low-cal…. but it has been on my list of things to make since we got back from our trip. It truly is simple to make and will be in our regular dinner rotation when we are looking for savory, delicious, comfort food at its best!

Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (8)

Yield: 2 Flammkuchen

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 14 minutes 12 seconds

Additional Time: 1 hour

Total Time: 1 hour 34 minutes 12 seconds




  • 1 medium yellow onion
  • 4 ounces diced bacon ( or pancetta or lardons)
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (or crème fraîche)
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • Black pepper


    1. Make the dough:Place the flour, oil, and salt in a large bowl and stir to combine. Using a fork or spoon, slowly stir in 1/2 cup of the water. Continue adding about a teaspoon of water at a time until the mixture forms into a workable dough. (You might not need all the water.)

    2. Knead dough: Turn the dough out onto a clean, floured work surface along with any loose flour in the bowl. Knead until all the flour is incorporated and the dough loses its stickiness and becomes smooth and elastic, about 1 minute.

    3. Let dough rest: Cover the dough loosely with plastic wrap or a clean kitchen towel and let sit for one hour.

    3. Pre-heat oven: Arrange a rack in the middle of the oven and heat to 500ºF.

    4. Prepare onion & bacon: Peel the onion, quarter it, and slice it into paper-thin slivers. Cut the bacon strips into 1/4-inch-thick strips called lardons; set both aside.

    5. Prepare sour cream: Place the sour cream, salt, pepper, and a tiny sprinkle of nutmeg in a small bowl and stir to combine. Taste and season with more salt, pepper, or nutmeg as needed; set aside.

    6. Roll the dough: Sprinkle a bit of flour on a piece of parchment and roll dough into an oval measuring about 10 inches wide by 16 inches long (or the size of your baking tray). Transfer the parchment paper and dough to the baking sheet.

    7. Add toppings: Spread the sour cream mixture evenly over the dough, leaving a 1/2-inch border. Sprinkle with the onions, followed by the bacon lardons.

    8. Bake until the pizza is well-browned, the bacon fat has started to render and sizzle, and the edges have turned golden and crisp, about 12-14 minutes. Keep an eye on the crust the last three to four minutes to assure edges of crust don't burn.

    9. Serve: Remove to a cutting board, slice into squares, and serve immediately.

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Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (12)
Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (13)
Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (14)


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Gluten Free Flammkuchen Recipe (aka Flammekueche or Tarte Flambee) - 52 Perfect Days (2024)


What is flammkuchen made of? ›

It is composed of bread dough rolled out very thinly in the shape of a rectangle or oval, which is covered with fromage blanc or crème fraîche, thinly sliced onions and lardons.

What is tarte flambée made of? ›

Tarte flambée, also known as flammekueche or by its Alsatian name flammkuchen, is a thin-crust pizza-like dish from Alsace. It is traditionally made of bread dough rolled out thinly, often in a rectangular shape, covered with fromage Blanc or crème Fraiche, thinly sliced onions, and lardons.

How do you eat tarte flambée? ›

Once the tarte flambée has been cut up, each person helps themselves and rolls up their slice to eat with their fingers. No cutlery is used. Serve with a cold beer or a glass of dry Alsatian white wine. Tarte flambée is a much-loved regional speciality in Alsace, but it's not easy to find good ones in Strasbourg.

What is the English translation of tarte flambée? ›

tarte + flambée (“fired pie”), from the practice of cooking the dish in embers.

Is flammkuchen healthier than pizza? ›

I have something for you: flammkuchen with fresh figs, rosemary, thyme and goat cheese. Deliciously fresh, full of herbs and vitamines and a healthy alternative to a high-calorie pizza.

What do you drink with flammkuchen? ›

In Germany, flammkuchen is traditionally paired with a light white wine which cuts through the richness of the bacon and crème fraîche. I highly recommend you try the pairing!

What is a fun fact about tarte flambée? ›

In addition to its unique taste, the special thing about the tarte flambée, or Flammkueche as it is often called in Alsace, is the tradition from which it arose. It originates from a time more than 100 years ago when Alsatian farm owners in the Kochersberg region still baked bread in their own wood-burning stoves.

What does tarte flambée taste like? ›

It's fundamentally a very simple combination of smoky bacon, sautéed onions, and rich cream on a crispy bread that forms a most amazing salivatingly savory meal. The flavors I experienced that day still linger in my memory.

What is the difference between flammkuchen and pizza? ›

Unlike pizza, Flammkuchen, Tarte Flambée etc. don't have an underlying layer of tomato sauce under the cheese and toppings. Cheese, onions / leeks and sometimes lardon pieces are directly put on the rectangular base, before baking in a hot oven (usually wood-fired).

What is the difference between pizza and tarte flambée? ›

The classic pizza always consists of tomato sauce, herbs and cheese plus ingredients to taste, which can range from simple salami to exclusive truffle. The original Alsatian tarte flambée always consists of sour cream, bacon and onion. There are also numerous variations for the topping of the tarte flambée.

How do you keep tarte tatin from getting soggy? ›

Peel and quarter the apples. Use a small sharp knife to trim the hard cores and seeds from the center of each quarter; don't worry about being too neat. Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate, lightly covered, for at least one day or up to three days. (This key step reduces the amount of liquid in the tart.

What is the history of tarte flambée? ›

Born in the farms of Alsace, the tarte flambée is also called Flammekueche. At that time, the peasants made this recipe on bread baking day and gathered in the village to share this meal. Their origins go back to the Middle Ages. The simple and authentic recipe is easy to make.

What does tarte mean in English? ›

tart [noun] a pie containing eg fruit or jam.

What is a tarte in French slang? ›

Usage notes: The French expression ce n'est pas de la tarte is equivalent to “it's not easy, it's hard work, it's tough.”

Which country made Flammkuchen? ›

But this delicious food is also directly related to geography! Flammkuchen was first created in towns along the borders of Germany and France, which includes Trier.

How is flammkuchen different from pizza? ›

Unlike pizza, Flammkuchen, Tarte Flambée etc. don't have an underlying layer of tomato sauce under the cheese and toppings. Cheese, onions / leeks and sometimes lardon pieces are directly put on the rectangular base, before baking in a hot oven (usually wood-fired). No sprinkling of basil leaves.

What is the difference between pizza and flammkuchen? ›

Admittedly, flammkuchen looks like a pizza, but there are important differences; the base is thin and crispy but the sauce topping isn't tomato based, it's a creamy blend of crème fraiche, Greek yoghurt, salt, pepper and nutmeg.

What's the difference between pizza and Flammekueche? ›

It's really just another version of pizza. But what makes it distinctly different is the toppings. And yes, while Italians have white pizzas or pizzas with only simple olive oil and veggies, we often think of pizza having a tomato sauce base. Flammekueche starts off with a fromage blanc, or fresh white cheese base.

What does flammkuchen taste like? ›

It's similar to a pizza or flatbread and traditionally topped with bacon, onion, and crème fraiche, although you can easily customize flammkuchen however you like. It's deliciously savory, with a slightly smoky flavor and a beautifully crispy thin crust.

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.