Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (2024)

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We recently asked older divorced adults of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the "marriage myths" more people should know. Here are the eye-opening results: 1. "If you think your children don't know that you and/or your spouse aren't happy, you are dead wrong. Choosing to stay with your partner for the 'sake of the kids' will ultimately do them more harm than good." 2. "There is no magic length of marriage where it becomes smooth sailing. I got divorced after 24 years. It's for life — that's how long you have to make it work." 3. "Don't believe marriage therapy can save a marriage. Don't believe marriage can change a person. If their behavior is troubling you before you get married, walk away. It will only get worse. Pay attention to the red flags and your gut instincts. Do not believe the Hollywood myths about 'the one' and that marriage is happily ever after. Even my remaining married friends have said it is bloody hard work!!!" 4. "That passion is something you can compromise on; you think so many other things make up for it. The problem is when things get bad, you realize there's not enough to make up for a lack of passion." 5. "That you both have to be willing to fight. If one person is willing, and the other isn’t, there really is no hope. You can’t make a person change their mind if they’ve already decided to give up." 6. "Your world should not be solely focused on them. Have your own interests and do things separately in addition to having interests you share. It helps with having a multitude of things to talk about. Make sure you both know how to handle household tasks and understand the full financial picture. Bad things do happen unexpectedly, and you need to be prepared." 7. "Marriage is a sign of maturity and should be the goal we are all working for. False! The more mature choice may be to be brave enough to be alone and get to know who you are. Marriage is not admirable or enviable; it's not an accomplishment. It's a choice, but not the 'best' or only choice." 8. "Opposites attracting is a recipe for heartache, no matter how much chemistry there is. There is much to be said for two people who come into a marriage with shared values, education levels, and life goals. Love does not overcome all. You will make each other miserable if you can't walk on common ground most of the time. Hold out for someone who truly 'gets you.' It matters in the long run, and isn't that what marriage is all about? You'll know when it's truly right." 9. "That there's no shame in leaving somebody, especially if they're treating you badly. Particularly a message for men, who often find it harder to talk about experiencing domestic abuse or find themselves isolated." You're not a loser for ending a marriage and you're definitely not a loser for being recognising you deserve better. 10. "Marriage is work — that should not surprise anyone, BUT if you are constantly miserable and everything is a battle, it may be time to reevaluate. I stayed far too long in a toxic and abusive marriage because I thought I needed to work harder." 11. "'Never go to bed angry.' Trust me, fights at 3 a.m. with a sleep-deprived brain aren't healthy. Feel free to go to bed angry, intending to solve things in the morning." 12. "'Happy wife, happy life.' The truth is you must secure your own happiness before you can begin assisting anyone with their own happiness. Instead of trying to make your partner happy, seek to understand where their unhappiness stems from." 13. "That your late 20s or early 30s is the time or your only chance to get married. I wanted to get married because people were pairing off around me, but the truth is that I didn’t know myself at all, and neither did he. As a people pleaser, I got into a marriage and made myself miserable because I thought taking care of him would make me 'lovable,' and he would magically know exactly what I needed to be happy." 14. "Decision-making is much more complicated than you think. My mom always supported my dad's career, and I expected it to be like that when I got married. I had a job lined up, and I got on the plane to come home knowing I was getting divorced because she wouldn't leave the state despite me constantly saying, 'I have opportunities elsewhere, and it will benefit us down the road.' Talk about that before you tie the knot." 15. "You never REALLY know someone. After 27 years with my husband, he left me for my son's friend's mother. He lied to me for two years before he left, and when his therapist asked me to talk to her, she had no idea that he was having an affair — he even lied to the therapist! If you had asked me before if he would ever cheat or lie, I would've said absolutely not! I later found out that his girlfriend before me caught him in bed with another woman, and I'm pretty sure he had at least one other affair while we were married. He gaslighted me over and over, causing me to question my sanity and reality." 16. "You MUST have an open and honest conversation before marrying someone. You will share everything with this person for the rest of your life. If you do not discuss everything, including money, morals, political beliefs, how to raise children, or even if you both do or don't want children and what is a priority, you can easily end up with a failed marriage. Do not kid yourself, and do not kid your partner." And finally... 17. "People say communication is the key to a successful marriage, but that's not true — the key is effective communication. Talking at your spouse instead of talking to them, or yelling, screaming, or expecting them to listen to you without reciprocating is, in fact, communication, but it's not effective at all." Older adults, if you've also been divorced, what are some other marriage myths and misconceptions more people should know? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. FAQs

    "People only change if THEY want to. All the flaws you see before marriage will still exist, and no matter how much you try to change someone, it won't work. You either grow together or grow apart."

    by Liz RichardsonBuzzFeed Staff

    We recently asked older divorced adults of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the "marriage myths" more people should know. Here are the eye-opening results:

    1. "If you think your children don't know that you and/or your spouse aren't happy, you are dead wrong. Choosing to stay with your partner for the 'sake of the kids' will ultimately do them more harm than good."

    "Co-parenting is hard even in an amicable divorce. And yeah, sometimes, it flat-out sucks. But it's so much better than forcing your kids to live in a household under siege."


    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (2)

    Jelena Stanojkovic / Getty Images / iStockphoto

    2. "There is no magic length of marriage where it becomes smooth sailing. I got divorced after 24 years. It's for life — that's how long you have to make it work."


    3. "Don't believe marriage therapy can save a marriage. Don't believe marriage can change a person. If their behavior is troubling you before you get married, walk away. It will only get worse. Pay attention to the red flags and your gut instincts. Do not believe the Hollywood myths about 'the one' and that marriage is happily ever after. Even my remaining married friends have said it is bloody hard work!!!"

    —50, United Kingdom

    "People only change if THEY want to. All the flaws you see before marriage will still exist, and no matter how much you try to change someone, it won't work. You either grow together or grow apart."


    4. "That passion is something you can compromise on; you think so many other things make up for it. The problem is when things get bad, you realize there's not enough to make up for a lack of passion."


    5. "That you both have to be willing to fight. If one person is willing, and the other isn’t, there really is no hope. You can’t make a person change their mind if they’ve already decided to give up."


    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (4)

    M-production / Getty Images / iStockphoto

    6. "Your world should not be solely focused on them. Have your own interests and do things separately in addition to having interests you share. It helps with having a multitude of things to talk about. Make sure you both know how to handle household tasks and understand the full financial picture. Bad things do happen unexpectedly, and you need to be prepared."

    —53, West Virginia

    7. "Marriage is a sign of maturity and should be the goal we are all working for. False! The more mature choice may be to be brave enough to be alone and get to know who you are. Marriage is not admirable or enviable; it's not an accomplishment. It's a choice, but not the 'best' or only choice."


    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (5)

    Serhii Mazur / Getty Images

    8. "Opposites attracting is a recipe for heartache, no matter how much chemistry there is. There is much to be said for two people who come into a marriage with shared values, education levels, and life goals. Love does not overcome all. You will make each other miserable if you can't walk on common ground most of the time. Hold out for someone who truly 'gets you.' It matters in the long run, and isn't that what marriage is all about? You'll know when it's truly right."

    "Don't settle just because they make your pulse race. That heat doesn't last unless you truly feel emotionally and psychologically connected the majority of the time. And if your children are witnessing a constant battle, set up separate camps and stay there. Otherwise, they will carry emotional scars with them — and into their own relationships someday. Model peace to them, however you have to do it."


    9. "That there's no shame in leaving somebody, especially if they're treating you badly. Particularly a message for men, who often find it harder to talk about experiencing domestic abuse or find themselves isolated." You're not a loser for ending a marriage and you're definitely not a loser for being recognising you deserve better.

    "You're not a loser for ending a marriage and you're definitely not a loser for being recognising you deserve better."


    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (6)

    Urbazon / Getty Images

    10. "Marriage is work — that should not surprise anyone, BUT if you are constantly miserable and everything is a battle, it may be time to reevaluate. I stayed far too long in a toxic and abusive marriage because I thought I needed to work harder."


    11. "'Never go to bed angry.' Trust me, fights at 3 a.m. with a sleep-deprived brain aren't healthy. Feel free to go to bed angry, intending to solve things in the morning."


    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (7)

    Miniseries / Getty Images

    12. "'Happy wife, happy life.' The truth is you must secure your own happiness before you can begin assisting anyone with their own happiness. Instead of trying to make your partner happy, seek to understand where their unhappiness stems from."

    "However, attempting to help someone who has unhealed childhood trauma, is maybe unmotivated to be happy, and refuses to seek professional help is a fruitless endeavor that could harm you in the process."

    —Anonymous, Colorado

    13. "That your late 20s or early 30s is the time or your only chance to get married. I wanted to get married because people were pairing off around me, but the truth is that I didn’t know myself at all, and neither did he. As a people pleaser, I got into a marriage and made myself miserable because I thought taking care of him would make me 'lovable,' and he would magically know exactly what I needed to be happy."

    "In my 40s, I know now that understanding yourself and being able to ask for what you need is essential when binding yourself to another person."

    —46, Washington

    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (8)

    Fotostorm / Getty Images

    14. "Decision-making is much more complicated than you think. My mom always supported my dad's career, and I expected it to be like that when I got married. I had a job lined up, and I got on the plane to come home knowing I was getting divorced because she wouldn't leave the state despite me constantly saying, 'I have opportunities elsewhere, and it will benefit us down the road.' Talk about that before you tie the knot."

    "Get into the weeds on those decisions beforehand. Because divorces can be complicated, too. And those are also joint decisions, whether you think they are or not."

    —40s, USA

    15. "You never REALLY know someone. After 27 years with my husband, he left me for my son's friend's mother. He lied to me for two years before he left, and when his therapist asked me to talk to her, she had no idea that he was having an affair — he even lied to the therapist! If you had asked me before if he would ever cheat or lie, I would've said absolutely not! I later found out that his girlfriend before me caught him in bed with another woman, and I'm pretty sure he had at least one other affair while we were married. He gaslighted me over and over, causing me to question my sanity and reality."

    "To paraphrase Maya Angelou: When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. If you think you are being lied to, don’t doubt your own senses. And don’t expect them to ever tell the truth. Once a liar, always a liar."

    —65, Massachusetts

    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (9)

    J.r. Ball / Getty Images

    16. "You MUST have an open and honest conversation before marrying someone. You will share everything with this person for the rest of your life. If you do not discuss everything, including money, morals, political beliefs, how to raise children, or even if you both do or don't want children and what is a priority, you can easily end up with a failed marriage. Do not kid yourself, and do not kid your partner."

    "Do not let the optimism of youth make you think, 'It's all good; we will work that out later.'"


    And finally...

    17. "People say communication is the key to a successful marriage, but that's not true — the key is effective communication. Talking at your spouse instead of talking to them, or yelling, screaming, or expecting them to listen to you without reciprocating is, in fact, communication, but it's not effective at all."

    "Eventually, the other spouse mimics the behavior or completely shuts down, which will inevitably lead to divorce."

    —55, Nevada

    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (10)

    Kieferpix / Getty Images

    Older adults, if you've also been divorced, what are some other marriage myths and misconceptions more people should know? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Older Divorced Adults Are Revealing The "Marriage Myths" That More People Should Know, And Wow (2024)


    Does age at marriage affect divorce? ›

    48 percent of those who marry before the age of 18 are likely to divorce within 10 years, compared to 25 percent of those who marry after the age of 25. 44. 60 percent of couples married between the age of 20 -25 will end in divorce.

    Why should older couples get married? ›

    Maturity Enables Better Problem-Solving: With age comes wisdom, and with experience comes a better understanding of how to work together to accomplish goals together. Older couples tend to have much more experience, understand the challenges that health issues can pose and have a handle on patience and compassion.

    What age is most affected by divorce? ›

    The school-aged years are probably the worst age for divorce for children; the potential for emotional trauma from divorce is highest at age 11. Children in this age group tend to be more self-centered, meaning the breakdown of the family unit can feel like a personal attack.

    How does divorce affect adulthood? ›

    Divorce can also put strain on the relationships of adult children. As they deal with their own grief and loss, they may question their ability to maintain long-term relationships. Problems in their own partnerships may come to light or be exasperated by their feelings around divorce.

    Why do 70 year olds get married? ›

    Finding someone to spend the rest of your life with is one of the main reasons that people want to get married…at any age. Add to that the many studies that show the decline in health that is often associated with seniors living alone and it's easy to see why people would want to tie the knot, even later in life.

    What are the disadvantages of getting married at an older age? ›

    The cons:
    • Marriage could expose you to each other's creditors, insurance risks (health care, home, and auto), higher income tax rates, and long-term care costs.
    • Marriage could make you financially responsible for your spouse's dependent children.
    May 29, 2024

    Is 65 too old to get married? ›

    The number of people getting married over the age of 65 has increased in the past decade, according to the latest figures by the Office for National Statistics. The Guardian spoke to three couples about online dating, remarrying in later life and why it is important to be hopeful.

    Does age play a factor in divorce? ›

    The study revealed that the longer the gap, the higher the possibility of divorce. An age gap of 10 years gives couples a 40% possible divorce rate, while those who have 20 years between them have only a 5% chance of staying together.

    Does age difference matter in divorce? ›

    In fact, the risk of divorce can increase significantly for partners with a large age gap. New research on divorce has found that when people are married to a much older or younger partner, the chances of getting a divorce increase dramatically over time.

    Is the age you marry linked to the risk of divorce? ›

    The odds of divorce decrease the older the woman was when she first got married. The decline is steepest before age 30, then flat till age 45, when it decreases some more.

    Is the age of first marriage a factor contributing to the divorce rate? ›

    The researchers found that teen marriages and later-life marriages still hold the highest risk for divorce. But for religious women, marrying in their early- or mid-20s did not increase their risk of divorce, probably because it reduced their likelihood of premarital cohabitation, which is a strong risk factor.

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