Quick Pick: 'We Didn't Start The Fire' Countries (2024)

Quiz Lab

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Can you find Countries mentioned in Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" while avoiding the decoys?

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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Quick Pick: 'We Didn't Start The Fire' Countries (2024)


What did Billy Joel mean by "We didn't start the fire"? ›

What does 'We Didn't Start the Fire' mean? The song's title refers to the long list of historical events in the lyrics. It refers to the idea that history has been an ever-moving concept and the state of the world is not the fault of those currently living in it.

Did Billy Joel write Fall Out Boy We Didn't Start the Fire? ›

It is a cover of Billy Joel's 1989 song "We Didn't Start the Fire", updating the song's cultural references to span the years since the original was released.

How many things are mentioned in We Didn't Start the Fire? ›

All 119 References in “We Didn't Start the Fire,” Explained | Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

How many US presidents are mentioned in the song "We Didn't Start the Fire"? ›

Billy Joel names five American presidents in the song: Truman, Eisenhow, Nixon (twice), Kennedy, and Reagan.

Why did Billy Joel include Marilyn Monroe in We Didn't Start the Fire? ›

Singer Billy Joel's 1989 hit, 'We Didn't Start the Fire' – an earworm if ever there was one – mentioned Marilyn in its first verse, as he looked back on a half-century of American history. (There are several Monroe connections in this verse alone – she would visit Korea in 1954 with husband Joe DiMaggio.

What is the fire a metaphor for in We Didn't Start the Fire? ›

Chorus: “We didn't start the fire.” – A metaphor in reference to the constant infernal chaos of the world. “It was always burning, since the worlds been turning.” – A reference to the birth and axial rotation of Planet Earth.

Did Billy Joel write a sequel to We Didn't Start the Fire? ›

Joel added that the song "had a symmetry to it" as "it was 40 years" he had lived through. When he was asked if he would consider doing a sequel to 'We Didn't Start the Fire'? Billy Joel replied: "No, I wrote one song already, and I don't think it was really that good to begin with, melodically”.

When did Billy Joel come out? ›

Born on May 9, 1949, in New York, Billy Joel bounced back after a disappointing first album, Cold Spring Harbor (1971), with 1973's Piano Man, featuring hits like "Piano Man" and "Captain Jack." He went on to make successful albums like Streetlife Serenade (1974), The Stranger (1977) and 52nd Street (1978).

How many Billy Joel songs did he write? ›

Ground rules: I've limited this to the 114 songs Joel wrote and recorded on his 12 studio albums, from Cold Spring Harbor (1971) through River of Dreams (1993), plus eight additional singles he has released over the years.

How many people are still alive from we didn t start the fire? ›

As of 2023, Brigitte Bardot, Bob Dylan, Chubby Checker and Bernhard Goetz are the only real-life people mentioned by name in the song, still living.

How rich is Billy Joel? ›

Here's all we know about the five-time Grammy winner's net worth. After a whopping 60 years of releasing hits such as "It's Still Rock and Roll To Me," "You May Be Right," "Vienna," "Piano Man," "Just The Way You Are," and many, many more, Billy has garnered a reported net worth of $250 million.

Which president smoked a lot? ›

Recalled White House Chief Usher Ike Hoover, "McKinley had a passion for cigars and was perhaps the most intense smoker of all the presidents during my life. One never saw him without a cigar in his mouth except at meals or when asleep." As a congressman, McKinley had become a heavy cigar smoker.

What is the most played song in the world? ›

There's even a dispute over the exact title. Yet “It's a Small World,” also known as “It's a Small, Small World” and “It's a Small World (After All),” is very likely the most played song in music history — nearly 50 million times.

What was the president that never spoke? ›

Elected in his own right in 1924, Coolidge gained a reputation as a small-government conservative with a taciturn personality and dry sense of humor that earned him the nickname "Silent Cal".

What is the meaning of Anthony's song Billy Joel? ›

The song critiques the ambitions of working- and lower-middle-class New Yorkers who strive for material success as evidence of social mobility, working long hours to afford the outward signs of having "made it".

What does England's got a new queen mean? ›

The line is “Eisenhower, Vaccine, England's got a new queen” which refer to 1953 — the year Eisenhower become President of the USA, the Polio vaccine by Jonas Salk was announced, and Queen Elizabeth II was crowned.

Why did Billy Joel wrote lullaby? ›

The song was inspired by Alexa Ray Joel, his daughter. It was originally written as a prelude to the song River of Dreams in the style of a monophonic Gregorian chant. Joel had written English words in the chant describing a man who had lost his faith and had the words translated into Latin.

Did Billy Joel fire his drummer? ›

In the documentary Hired Gun (2016) Liberty DeVitto, longtime drummer for Billy Joel, who played on many hits where he created wonderful and inventive drum parts, tells of finding out he was fired when he read that the band was about to start a tour.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5649

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.