Genshin Impact Fischl Build Guide: Best Weapons, Artifacts, and Teams - Genshin Impact Guide - IGN (2024)


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Fischl is a 4-star Electro Bow character that has been part of Genshin Impact since the game's launch. At every point in time, Fischl has been among the strongest and most flexible 4-star characters in the game. This guide to the best Genshin Impact Fischl build will explain the best weapons, artifact sets, constellations, and team compositions for Fischl.


Table of Contents:

  • How to Get Fischl
  • Fischl Gameplay Overview
    • Fischl Talents and Attack Combos
    • Fischl Constellation Analysis
    • Fischl's Best Weapons
    • Fischl's Best Artifacts
    • Fischl's Best Teams


How to Get Fischl in Genshin Impact

Fischl first debuted at Genshin Impact's launch. She is available on the standard banner, Paimon's Bargains, and is sometimes offered at rate-up on limited 5-star character banners.

Genshin Fischl Gameplay Overview

  • Element:Electro
  • Weapon:Bow
  • Rarity:4-star

Fischl is an off-field DPS who usually only needs to take the field for about two seconds at a time, twice per rotation (a rotation is a series of Normal Attack, Skill, Burst, and character swap inputs in a particular order within a certain span of time, often between 20-25 seconds, that can be repeated for maximum DPS output). After Fischl has constellations, she becomes one of the best characters in this role.

Fischl is also an extremely versatile character, being able to carry her weight in damage in practically every team that uses her, and the damage skyrockets further when combined with elemental reactions, especially Quicken/Aggravate. For more info regarding elemental reactions, check out the Comprehensive Guide to Elemental Reactions.

Fischl's' kit is simple, yet elegant: all she needs to do is summon her bird companion, Oz and then let the rest of your team members do their thing. Summoning Oz occurs with both the use of her Skill and Burst, so Oz's attacks are the bread-and-butter of her kit. While some players play her as an on-field attacker, this usually isn't optimal. As such, this guide will cover her off-field DPS potential exclusively.

What makes Fischl so strong, especially at C6, is her ability to continuously apply Electro to enemies at a consistent rate while also dealing impressive damage. Being able to do both of these things is what makes characters like Xiangling and Tartaglia so powerful. When used in conjunction with Dendro characters, a C6 Fischl's damage skyrockets even higher, due to a combo between the mechanics of Aggravate and her Fourth Ascension Passive (more on this later).

Fischl's' energy requirements are minimal (120-150% depending on number of Electro units in the team), due to how much energy Oz generates. Usually, including Fischl on a team will reduce the whole team's energy recharge requirements as well. She as among the best energy batteries in the game alongside the Electro Archon, the Raiden Shogun. This makes Fischl essential to teams with Electro characters who needs lots of energy to use their Bursts consistently, such as Yae Miko. Having two Electro characters on the same team establishes Electro Resonance, which further increases the generated energy from Electro-based Elemental reactions.

All this said, players of all backgrounds should prioritize acquiring Fischl and also maxing her Constellations. Thanks to her accessibility in Paimon's Bargains, it is easier to acquire multiple copies over time. Her damage, elemental application, and energy generation are all top-tier.


Genshin Fischl Talents and Attack Combos

Fischl's Normal Attacks are fairly quick and deal a decent amount of damage, but because she cannot gain elemental infusions, Fischl becomes limited to Physical damage. This means that in order to maximize the efficiency of her Normal Attacks, you have to sacrifice Skill and Burst damage, which usually is not a reasonable trade-off.

Fischl's Skill summons Oz to her location and deals Electro damage to enemies once per second for 10 seconds. Is has a long cooldown of 25 seconds, but when used in conjunction with her Burst, she can maintain Oz's uptime indefinitely. Holding her Skill can offer control to Oz's placement, or tapping the Skill input a second time can reposition Oz to a new location. This is her primary source of damage.

Fischl's Burst deals a strong instance of Electro damage while allowing Fischl to transform into a raven for a few seconds, which helps reposition her with increased movement speed. It can sometimes be used strategically to close or open gaps between herself and enemies. After the transformation ends, Oz is summoned again to deal damage, just like her Skill.

Next, come her passives. Her first ascension passive allows you to make charged shots at Oz in order to deal a sum of Electro damage to enemies. This is usually wasted, since it takes too long to fire a charged shot and aim it at Oz for the damage given to be worth the payoff. Often, it is a DPS loss to do so.

Fischl's fourth ascension passive, however, is incredibly powerful. Whenever your team's active character performs an Electro-based elemental reaction, Oz will fire off an additional instance of Electro damage. The amazing thing about this passive is the fact that this passive has no internal cooldown (ICD). This means that every time her fourth ascension passive triggers, she not only deals Electro damage, but applies Electro to the enemy. When an enemy is quickened (Dendro+Electro), they take increased damage fur a short duration (or long, depending on application) at a flat rate according to her Elemental Mastery (and these reactions can CRIT). The combo goes as such:

  1. An enemy has Dendro applied to them.
  2. Fischl deals Electro damage to that enemy.
  3. Quicken triggers, creating an Electro-based Elemental Reaction.
  4. With her fourth ascension passive, Oz fires an Electro shot that always applies Electro, due to no ICD on the passive.
  5. Aggravate triggers, dealing increased Electro damage to an enemy as an Electro-based elemental reaction.
  6. With her fourth ascension passive, Oz fires an Electro shot that always applies Electro, due to no ICD on the passive.
  7. The previous two steps continuously repeat until Oz is no longer on-field or until Quicken ends, whichever occurs first.

Finally, Fischl's exploration passive allows her to finish expeditions more quickly.

For her combos, her time on field is straightforward:

  1. Tap Skill (ideally AFTER buffs are applied by teammates, so Oz receives the buffs even after the buffs pass)
  2. Switch to other party members
  3. Switch back to Fischl when Oz disappears
  4. Burst to resummon Oz while the Skill is still on cooldown
  5. Switch to other party members

Genshin Fischl Constellation Analysis

4-star constellations are typically essential in comparison to 5-stars, but they are also easier to acquire. Keep that in mind when budgeting your primogems to roll. Fischl's C6 makes her competitive with (and sometimes even better than) 5-star characters, so going for all of her constellations is strongly recommended.

Constellation NameAbbreviated In-Game DescriptionNotes
C1. Gaze of the DeepEven when Oz is not on-field, when Fischl Normal Attacks, Oz will attack in coordination with her at a weaker rate (22% of her ATK).Quite strong, and extremely useful when she does need to be on-field.
C2. Devourer of All SinsIncreases Skill (cast) damage and area-of-effect.The damage increase doesn't apply to Oz's attacks, only the initial summoning, but the enhanced area of effect is welcome.
C3. Wings of NightmareIncrease Skill talent level by 3.Makes the main thing Fischl is useful for even better. A noteworthy upgrade.
C4. Her Pilgrimage of BleakWhen using Fischl's Burst, it deals Electro damage to surrounding opponents and heals Fischl by 20% of her HP after the skill's duration.Not worth going for on its own, but you're one step closer to C6.
C5. Against the Fleeing LightIncreases Burst talent level by 3.Fischl's Burst is somewhat less useful than her Skill, but still a welcome addition.
C6. Evernight RavenExtends Oz duration by two seconds (12s total) and Oz will now attack alongside any Normal Attacking character.A massive, massive upgrade to Fischl's damage, since fast Normal Attacking units can amplify Fischl's damage and the extra field-time for Oz allows true unlimited uptime on Oz's presence. This creates many additional Electro reactions, which synergizes with her fourth ascension passive.


Genshin Fischl's Best Weapons

Fischl mainly cares about CRIT, ATK, EM, and off-field DMG. This makes her compatible with a variety of 5-star bow options, but slightly limited in terms of 4-star options. Keep in mind that most 5-star options not listed will outperform all 4-star options, with the exception of Amos Bow.

Weapon NameAbbreviated In-Game DescriptionNotes
Polar Star

33.1% CRIT Rate

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG increased by 12%. After a Normal Attack, Charged Attack, Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst hits an opponent, 1 stack of Ashen Nightstar will be gained for 12s. When 1/2/3/4 stacks of Ashen Nightstar are present, ATK is increased by 10/20/30/48%. Stacks for each input are independent.Best if you use a modified rotation. The trick to using Polar Star is to deploy every aspect of Fischl's kit as quicklly as possible, including a charged shot. However, the Charged Shot does not need to be fully charged. You only have to be in aim mode for just enough time to fire off a shot.
Aqua Simulacra

88.2% CRIT DMG

HP is increased by 16%. When there are opponents nearby, the DMG dealt by the wielder of this weapon is increased by 20%. This will take effect whether the character is on-field or not.Best if you don't want to change typical rotation. An enormous amount of CRIT DMG + 20% off-field damage is straightforwardly the easiest building option for Fischl if you're not interested in the modified rotation Polar Star requires.
Skyward Harp

22.1% CRIT Rate

Increases CRIT DMG by 20%. Hits have a 60% chance to inflict a small AoE attack, dealing 125% Physical ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 4s.Best option from standard banner. The passive doesn't matter as much as the sheer amount of CRIT stats Fischl gains from the secondary stat and the 20% CRIT DMG provided in the weapon's abilities. It has a high ATK stat to boot!
Elegy for the End

55.1% ER

Increases EM by 60. When Fischl's Skill/Burst hits enemies (even when Fischl is off-field), gain 1 stack. When this weapon has 4 stacks, remove them and give the party 100 EM and 20% ATK for 12s. This passive only occurs once every 20 seconds.Best when the whole team exploits elemental reactions. A strong support option that also gives Fischl relevant Elemental Mastery and ATK% buffs. Usually this is best when you have someone who uses Fischl to amplify their own damage, but also strong on its own.
Alley Hunter

27.6% ATK

While the character equipped with this weapon is in the party but not on the field, their DMG increases by 2-4% every second up to a max of 20-40%. When the character is on the field for more than 4s, the aforementioned DMG buff decreases by 4-8% per second until it reaches 0%.Best limited, all-purpose 4-star option. Fischl is almost always off-field, so gaining stacks is quite easy. Due to being a limited banner option, though, it will be difficult to get refinements for. Often, you will find yourself using Stringless instead, due to accessibility.

165 EM

Increases Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG by 24-48%.Best 4-star from standard banner. Better with Quicken teams. Boosts the best parts of Fischl's kit while giving her Elemental Mastery for taking full advantage of Aggravate reactions. Run this in Quicken teams over Alley Hunter!
Prototype Crescent

41.3% ATK

Charged Attack hits on weak points increase Movement SPD by 10% and ATK by 36-72% for 10s.Best craftable option, but you should upgrade to Stringless ASAP. This weapon is hard to recommend because aiming for a weak point in high-difficulty battles is, well, quite difficult. The only reason it's recommended here is because it's craftable.

Genshin Fischl's Best Artifacts

There is no single 4pc artifact set that is best for Fischl. Instead, mix and match ATK% and Electro DMG% 2pc sets together. Just aim for the very best substats!

If you want to run Fischl in a more supportive capacity, you can opt for 4pc Tenacity of the Millelith, which buffs the team's ATK by 20% for as long as her Skill is hitting opponents (which should be "always").

Because of this, no table is needed to show priorities.

Genshin Fischl's Best Teams

Fischl is so flexible that she works in almost any team you can throw her in, but here are some of her most effective options.


These teams took Fischl from an A-tier character to an S-tier character the moment the Dendro element was introduced. This teams maximizes her combo with her fourth ascension passive and she will usually do the majority of the team's damage with the least on-field time in this team. Fischl with Dendro is pure efficiency. Just make sure your Dendro character can help sustain Quicken on enemies.

Anemo characters wielding 4pc Viridescent Venerer can reduce enemy Electro resistance, which further amplifies Electro damage. If using two Dendro characters, the flex slot can be dedicated towards a healer, on-field DPS, or whatever else your team needs.


FischlElectro/DendroDendroFlex Slot (Anemo if Double Electro)

Electro-Charged ("Taser")

Taser teams focus on the sheer amount of instances of minor Electro-Charged damage to melt an enemy's HP bar. This strategy has existed since Genshin Impact's launch and is one of the most free-to-play friendly teams to build.

Typically how the team works is you have a defensive unit, two or more characters that synergize with Normal Attacks, and then character who attacks for quickly or deals the most damage when that DPS is using Normal Attacks. An Anemo character equipping 4pc Viridescent Venerer can reduce the resistances of both Hydro and Electro simultaneously, as when an enemy is Electro-Charged, both Electro and Hydro stay applied to the enemy.

The classic 4-star combination is Sucrose as the Anemo driver, Fischl and Beidou as off-field Electro DPS's, and Xingqiu as the defensive option and Hydro off-field DPS.

FischlElectro (Beidou for F2P)Hydro (Xingqiu for F2P)Anemo (Sucrose for F2P)

Throw Every Reaction Possible At Once ("Soup" or "Overvape")

By using Fischl alongside a Pyro, Hydro, and an optional Anemo unit, you can generate Electro-Charged, Overloaded, and Vaporize reactions constantly at enemies. Elemental Mastery buffs benefit this team quite a bit, but it's not worth building Elemental Mastery on the characters.

Usually in these teams, your on-field driver is either Hydro or Pyro, so pick a character from these two elements that specializes in on-field Normal Attacks. Ayato, Hu Tao, and Yoimiya are excellent driver choices.

FischlPyroHydro Flex or Anemo


Superconduct is a rarely-exploited reaction that reduces enemy resistance to Physical damage by 40%. Physical DPS's are generally being inferior to elemental DPS's, but Fischl is one of, if not the best Superconduct support for Physical DPS's if someone chooses to venture this route. At time of writing, the only dedicated on-field Physical DPS is Eula.


Eula teams in particular want a shielding unit to ensure Eula can get as many Normal Attacks in as possible without being interrupted. Sometimes, your team will want a healer in addition to a shielder, depending on player competence. For the example below, Zhongli is the best shielding option, but note that other Physical DPS characters may have different needs.

FischlPhysical DPS (probably Eula)Electro/Cryo/Flex (Cryo for Eula)Flex Slot

Specific Teammate Choices

  • Hydro Characters
    • Xingqiu
      • The best 4-star Hydro applicator. His Burst applies Hydro and deals respectable damage in synchonicity with the active character's Normal Attacks and the orbiting swords that act as defensive utility also apply Hydro to enemies when in direct contact.
    • Yelan
      • Mainly best for amplifying teammates DMG% while dealing high HP-scaling damage. Very similar to Xingqiu, but less application and no defensive utility. Yelan is a generically strong character.
    • Ayato
      • An excellent on-field Hydro DPS and driver for characters like Fischl, Beidou, Xingqiu, and Yelan.
    • Kokomi
      • The best Hydro option if you want good healing and Hydro application rolled into one character.
  • Dendro Characters
    • Nahida
      • The best choice for maximizing the damage potential of Dendro-based reactions like Quicken/Spread/Aggravate/Hyperbloom/Burgeon/Bloom. She needs almost no field time and shares EM with the active character.
    • Baizhu
      • A shielder and healer all-in-one for teams focusing on Dendro-based reactions. Offers shields and plenty of healing to the party, all of which enhance reaction damage.
    • Collei
      • Collei is best at supporting Quicken/Aggravate/Spread teams thanks to the duration and cooldown of her Skill allowing her to function well in very short (~15 second) and longer (~25 second) rotations. Collei will usually equip 4pc Tenacity of the Millelith and Elegy for the End, so make sure not to overlap this with Fischl.
    • Kirara
      • A dedicated shielder in Dendro for protecting fragile characters from being interrupted. Especially useful when Yae Miko is also on the team.
  • Electro Characters
    • Keqing
      • The most aggressive quickswap DPS. Originally one of the weakest characters in the game, the introduction of the Dendro element gave her a massive boost in playability due to her rapid Electro application.
    • Yae Miko
      • Comparable to Fischl. However, Yae Miko has an exceptionally powerful Burst that acts like a nuke. EM buffs are especially good with Miko due to her passive that adds DMG% to her Skill totems based on her EM. Miko's drawback, in exchange for her raw power, is the amount of field time required for an "off-field" unit.
    • Lisa
      • Lisa is free from the beginning of the game and also gained a lot of viability thanks to Quicken being introduced to the game, allowing her to become an on-field DPS or support depending on team needs. Her Burst also shreds enemy defenses -- a very rare debuff. She is usually played on-field for Quicken teams, but can work in either role.
    • Beidou
      • Beidou has a powerful Burst that, after her second Constellation, creates arc lightning that bounces between enemies while also generating a shield and interruption resiistance. While her Burst is strong, her energy nneeds are high, which makes Fischl an ideal partner for Beidou to maximize her potential.
  • Pyro Characters
    • Yoimiya
      • As long as you keep Yoimiya shielded, she is the easiest on-field Pyro DPS to use: just use her Skill and mash her Normal Attack to to deal great damage. Xingqiu or Yelan are essential teammates.
    • Hu Tao
      • While Yoimiya is the easiest on-field Pyro DPS to use, Hu Tao is the most difficult, but it pays off in raw damage output. Xingqiu or Yelan are essential teammates (preferably Xingqiu). Hu Tao also benefits greatly from having a shield.
    • Xiangling
      • The best off-field Pyro DPS and perhaps the best overall off-field DPS in the game. She generates tons of damage and Pyro application without ICD with her energy-hungry Burst. However, she requires Bennett's support to function.
    • Bennett
      • Widely considered to be one of the strongest supports in the game, Bennett provides the party with an enormous Flat ATK buff equal to a percentage of Bennett's ATK (sometimes over 100%). Bennett also heals with his Burst and generates tons of Pyro energy particles with his tapped Skill and its 3-second cooldown. Bennett makes every team that cares about ATK better.
  • Cryo Characters for Superconduct
    • Rosaria
      • The best universal Cryo support, due to her ability to share a portion of her CRIT Rate with her team, her consistent Cryo application, and high damage output. She is an excellent all-rounder.
    • Diona
      • Diona packs shielding and healing into one character, which is extremely rare. She also generates a solid amount of particles with her Skill.
    • Kaeya
      • Basically equivalent to Rosaria, except constellations are harder to acquire and his Cryo application requires being in striking distance from enemies. For melee Physical DPS's this is often preferred.
    • Mika
      • A Cryo healer that appears to be designed specifically for supporting Eula, though even with this in mind, he is usually not the most efficient choice due to what the other options can give.
  • Anemo Utility Options (all assumed to be equipping 4pc Viridescent Venerer)
    • Kazuha
      • The best all-around choice for most Anemo needs. Kazuha scales well with EM, provides a huge DMG% buff to teammates depending on what elements he swirls in his Burst, offers good crowd control, and has short cooldowns on his entire kit.
    • Sucrose
      • Sometimes better than Kazuha, depending on the team comp, due to her ability to share a portion of her Elemental Mastery with the team, wield Catalysts known for their support functions, and apply Anemo and Swirl with Normal Attacks. She offers crowd control and energy generation ontop of decent driving capabilities.
    • Venti
      • The Anemo Archon and the god of crowd control. He can buff teammates while equipping Elegy for the End and is an excellent choice against large amounts of enemies.
    • Jean or Sayu
      • These characters fulfil similar roles in their ability to heal as well as Swirl. Jean has special synergy with Bennett, but since Bennett is less needed on these teams, we can argue that their usefulness is equivalent to one another.

Up Next: Ganyu Banner, Skills, Talents, and Constellations

PreviousGenshin Faruzan Guide - Best Builds, Weapons, Artifacts, and TeamsNextGanyu Banner, Skills, Talents, and Constellations

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Genshin Impact Fischl Build Guide: Best Weapons, Artifacts, and Teams - Genshin Impact Guide - IGN (1)

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Genshin Impact Fischl Build Guide: Best Weapons, Artifacts, and Teams - Genshin Impact Guide - IGN (2024)


Which weapon is best for Fischl? ›

If you want to play Fischl as the main DPS of your team, which is also possible, you can't avoid a 5-star weapon. In this case, Skyward Harp, Elegy For The End, Thundering Pulse, or Aqua Simulacra would be suitable options.

What artifact is best on Fischl? ›

Fischl Best Artifacts
  • Golden Troupe. ...
  • Thundering Fury. ...
  • Thundering Fury. ...
  • Thundersoother. ...
  • Thundering Fury.

What is the best 4-star for Fischl? ›

Genshin Impact Fischl: best weapons

For Fischl, the best weapon is not a rare 5-star weapon, but the 4-star bow of The Stringless. This provides Elemental Mastery as a secondary attribute and increases the damage of special abilities as well as Elemental Bursts by 24 percent.

Which bow is better for Fischl? ›

Compound Bow is a great weapon for C6 Fischl, especially at higher refinements. Since Oz will be attacking with Fischl's Normal Attacks, Compound Bow will give Fischl the attack speed she needs to fully benefit from Oz's joined attacks.

What is Fischl signature weapon? ›

Mitternachts Waltz

You may have guessed from its appearance that it's Fischl's signature weapon.

Does Fischl need crit rate? ›

Fischl mainly cares about CRIT, ATK, EM, and off-field DMG. This makes her compatible with a variety of 5-star bow options, but slightly limited in terms of 4-star options. Keep in mind that most 5-star options not listed will outperform all 4-star options, with the exception of Amos Bow.

What does Fischl need the most? ›

The 4 piece set is Fischl's best by far. 70% elemental skill damage when off-field is obscene. Oz after her burst still counts as elemental skill damage btw. Also, if you don't have Stringless, then the Fontaine craftable bow is probably the next best thing for her, excluding 5* weapons of course.

Is Fischl better than Lisa? ›

Fischl is The best off-field 4-star electro applicator since she can use both skill and burst to achieve high Oz uptime and can good sub-DPS, as well as being a good battery. As a catalyst, Lisa can do more application on-field, but she can't achieve 100% uptime since only her burst applies electro while off-field.

What does Fischl call herself? ›

Personality. A mysterious girl who calls herself "Prinzessin der Verurteilung" and travels with a night raven named Oz.

Is Fischl DPS or support? ›

Fischl is quite often used as an off-field Electro sub-DPS and battery. Sub-DPS Fischl's best (f2p) build is 4-piece Thundering Fury for CD reduction with the Alley Hunter bow, as it provides a good damage buff when Fischl is off-field.

What is Fischl's best weapon? ›

Polar Star is a 5-star bow and the best weapon for Fischl as its passive ability enhances her Normal and Charged attacks, but Slingshot and Stringless are good F2P options. Gilded Dreams is the best artifact set for Fischl as it can increase both her Elemental Mastery and ATK% based on your team comp.

What stat is best for Fischl? ›

Best breakpoint is 75% crit rate and 150% crit DMG. *If you have Crit stat on your weapon, your circlet should have a different crit stat. Comps: This build can go anywhere with everyone, she deals DMG while not being in the field and applies Electro.

What talent to prioritize on Fischl? ›

Fischl's Talent priority is dependent on her playstyle and build. For off-field DPS builds, it is not recommended to level her Normal Attack. As a general rule of thumb for on-field DPS builds: If you are using an Electro Goblet, prioritize her Skill. If you are using a Physical Goblet, prioritize her Normal Attack.

Is a stringless bow good for Fischl? ›

If she's dps, Amos, but support fischl might benefit more from stringless. Stringless. 24% more damage for her skill and burst is going to do more for her DPS than Amos' marginally higher attack ever will. They are both good bows.

What does Fischl scale off of? ›

Fischl scales off of Attack, including artifacts and other bonuses.

Which is better razor or Fischl? ›

Fischl can be main DPS or support at the same time. Razor can ONLY be main DPS. That alone doesn't make Fischl better or worse, but you also have Xiangling in the party, who can also support or DPS, though a better main. With a different setup, I could recommend Razor, but Xiangling and Razor don't mix at all.

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